The Risk Of NOT Thinking Critically

thinking Apr 09, 2019

Evaluate these statements:

  • Everyone who has ever died was breathing prior to death.  Conclusion: Breathing is associated with death.
  • Drivers who cause automobile accidents were in cars at the time of their accident.  Conclusion: Automobiles are the cause of car crashes.
  • Mold is often seen on stale bread.  Conclusion:  Mold comes from stale bread.

Each of the first statements are true, but the conclusions are very flawed.  

That's the risk of not thinking critically.  Seemingly obvious conclusions which are simply wrong.

Is critical thinking dead?

Maybe it's not dead, but it certainly is a dwindling skill. It seems more and more that people are taking various, often stupid, statements at face value and believing them.  People are not taking the time to review various statements critically and making their own determination of their validity.

Recently there was an article that came out "Eggs are bad for you".  It was splashed everywhere...

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