The Risk Of NOT Thinking Critically

thinking Apr 09, 2019

Evaluate these statements:

  • Everyone who has ever died was breathing prior to death.  Conclusion: Breathing is associated with death.
  • Drivers who cause automobile accidents were in cars at the time of their accident.  Conclusion: Automobiles are the cause of car crashes.
  • Mold is often seen on stale bread.  Conclusion:  Mold comes from stale bread.

Each of the first statements are true, but the conclusions are very flawed.  

That's the risk of not thinking critically.  Seemingly obvious conclusions which are simply wrong.

Is critical thinking dead?

Maybe it's not dead, but it certainly is a dwindling skill. It seems more and more that people are taking various, often stupid, statements at face value and believing them.  People are not taking the time to review various statements critically and making their own determination of their validity.

Recently there was an article that came out "Eggs are bad for you".  It was splashed everywhere because it came from a well-known university.  It seems that every couple of years, eggs go from the food from heaven - to the food from hell. And it's usually because of a single study.  Often studies which are terribly flawed.  But because we don't read the study itself, and just rely on the reporting of someone else who read it (or maybe not), we have delegated that critical thinking to them.  And often they don't think critically, but still report their "findings" with unwarranted confidence and authority. 

In the case of the egg study, a friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about nutrition and the new role of the gut biome, as well as a great critical thinker, was quite upset about the article. He actually read the article and proceeded to tell me about the major flaws of the study. His assessment was the study was of no real scientific value.  His critical thinking determined that the study shouldn't receive any attention because of those major flaws in the study design, data collection, analysis, and conclusion.  ( you think HE exercised critical thinking?)

What's this mean to you?

We are awash with bad studies, statements, conclusions, etc. in our world.  We have people "in power" making statements about their political positions that simply are not supported by facts.  Scientists make conclusions based on flawed data.  Writers creating stories based on innuendo.  Students learning from manufactured history.  Purchases based on advertising that has no basis in truth.  It goes on and on.  

Based on this, it's now, more than ever, important for you to take back control of your decision process.  To think critically and make up your OWN mind.  It isn't always easy or fast.  But it IS the right thing to do.  If you relegate your decision process to others, then you will get what decisions they make for you.  They may not be in your best interest.

In the words of Tony Robbins:

You get what you accept.

It's time we stop accepting conclusions and actions that are not based on quality (i.e. critical) thinking.  It's simply bad for us. 

It's time for everyone to start critically thinking ... again.  

Now time for the plug...

Risk management and insurance is a "black box" for most people.  Your eyes glaze over when you talk to an insurance sales person. But it shouldn't be that way.  At WhiteCoat risk management, it isn't.  When we analyze your personal situation, we use the "ARP" system.  One where we help you Assess your risk.  Reduce that risk. Then help you Protect against that residual risk.  And all that time, the actions taken are based on your decisions that follow our educational process.  That's our difference.  (Plug "over")

WhiteCoat Risk Management provides these articles to help improve general risk awareness in all aspects of your life.  It is not responsible for any actions you take or fail to take regarding any aspect of your financial planning or risk management.  This article is provided for information purposes and is not intended to provide individualized advice. You alone are responsible for your financial and risk management decisions.  

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