You trust your staff. And you should, ... to a point.
There is a lot of trust that is needed in an office setting, otherwise, you would have to watch over everything that was done, by everyone. That simply can't be done effectively, nor should it.
But there are still items that your staff simply should not have access to. It's not that hard to take control over various items in the office that can get you into trouble. Yes, get YOU in trouble. Often these items can be controlled through your EMR program and effective policies, procedures, job descriptions, employee handbooks ... and fair, yet effective disciplinary actions for violation of those policies.
So what are these items? In an article in Physician Practice, the author Ericka Adler, mentions various "at-risk" items such as...
Ring, ring.
No answer.
That's not a problem, I will just listen in on the other user without their permission. REALLY?
Yes, really. Although by the time you read this, the "facetime bug" will have been fixed, it does highlight some real problems with high complexity technology. They put your privacy at risk. Audio and video feed to others without your permission ARE possible.
While this current bug is being fixed by Apple, there are two major questions that remain, in regards to your personal privacy.
1. What other bugs are out there that we, the general public, don't know about but others' do? Others that are looking to exploit those bugs for any number of reasons.
2. If this is possible by a "bug", what is possible when it's programmed in intentionally? Who has the keys (i.e. knowledge) to use your phone or computers video camera and microphone without your permission?
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