You trust your staff. And you should, ... to a point.
There is a lot of trust that is needed in an office setting, otherwise, you would have to watch over everything that was done, by everyone. That simply can't be done effectively, nor should it.
But there are still items that your staff simply should not have access to. It's not that hard to take control over various items in the office that can get you into trouble. Yes, get YOU in trouble. Often these items can be controlled through your EMR program and effective policies, procedures, job descriptions, employee handbooks ... and fair, yet effective disciplinary actions for violation of those policies.
So what are these items? In an article in Physician Practice, the author Ericka Adler, mentions various "at-risk" items such as...
Think of the potential liability of any of these items.
You can see that risks of unauthorized staff actions can result in significant liability and risk for you. It's up to you to protect yourself, your practice, and ultimately your personal assets.
So, what should you do?
Here are a few suggestions.
While nothing can be put into place which is 100% effective, good systems will help reduce the potential for office staff mischief.
Remember the WhiteCoat ARP program:
Assessment of Risk => Reduction of Risk => Protection of Residual Risk
This simple three-step process can help you better manage the multitude of risks in your office in a way that is easy to remember...and effective.
Read more about this important topic here:
WhiteCoat Risk Management provides these articles to help improve general risk awareness in all aspects of your life. It is not responsible for any actions you take or fail to take regarding any aspect of your financial planning or risk management. This article is provided for information purposes and is not intended to provide individualized advice. You alone are responsible for your financial decisions.
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