Chances are that during this COVID lockdown, yoiu did a lot less driving. For many people this resulted in a check showing up one day in the mail. A refund check from your auto insurer.
Yes, it may have been a small check, but heck ... that money is better in your pocket than the insurers, especially when their pay-outs for claims is far reduced due to significant reduction of insured driven miles by their policyholders.
But beyond that check, there are other opportunities for savings on your auto insurance costs.
Let's look at some you can consider:
On Monday, President Trump signed an order to require pricing transparency by healthcare providers. This has the potential to impact every medical practice.
Section 3a impacts hospitals
Section 3b impacts providers, insurers and self-insured health groups
Also noted is the directive to provide additional information to the President on "surprise billing". This directive will certainly push such legislation and/or directives forward in the near future.
Read President Trump's actual order here.
While there are some who immediately have jumped on the "Nay" bandwagon, there are some positive elements to this concept which may provide a significant stimulus to change the way healthcare is paid for. This, along with other recent proposed legislation on "Surprise Bill Prohibition" will certainly result in downstream effects on the way healthcare services are priced, billed and collected.
These are developments which all healthcare providers should pay close attention to.
Yesterday, B...
Visit our Travel Insurance FAQ page here....
Simple answer...Maybe.
Yes, it's the "gotcha" of the fine print. And it is extremely important that you have the coverage written into the policy that you have purchased for your trip. If it's not specifically covered, it's probably not.
It's essential that you read the policy over very carefully when purchasing insurance for your trip. The levels and types of coverage are not standardized and vary considerably from policy to policy. That's often why there is such a big difference in premiums from different companie...
It seems like there are a whole lot of people who document everything they do on social media.
Going to a movie? Tweet it.
Having desert? Facebook it.
Hang-gliding in Mexico? Instagram it.
Rock climbing in Utah? Tweet it.
Smoking a hooka with a friend? Post it.
Hmmm....You want the world to see everything ...except when you don't. And when might that be? Perhaps your mom on line. A prospective employer. Or an insurance underwriter.
Yes, social media is everywhere, and the truth is that once something is posted's NEVER going away. You can do whatever you want to try to erase those images of you running with the bulls or cliff diving, but once they are posted, they are there. Forever.
While most of the items posted are innocent, some are not.
If in the future you are looking to get a high dollar figure insurance policy, do you think that pictures of you skateboarding behind a semi-truck will get you great rates? How about pics of you with a cigarette in your hand?...
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