It's Time To Think About Income Differently

Dollars For Hours

Let's face it.  

Working for a living has its limitations.  You can only do so much with a dollars-for-hours mentality.  You only have so many hours in your life, and frankly, you can't, (shouldn't) or don't want to use all of them for generating income.   

You are limited by this equation: 

Total Earned Income = Hours worked x Dollars per hour

After you max out at working 24 hours per day, your upside financial income is limited by the amount you earn per hour.  And you can't generate more hours.  Or can you?

Creating Financial "Time"

 What if you could generate more time to earn income?  Would you do it?

Well, you can't generate more of YOUR time to create income, but you can leverage your time, using a variety of income strategies to generate more income.  It's using a strategy of creating "passive income".  There are many different types of passive income that one can...

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