Who Wants To Be A Millionaire At Age 65?

 Repeat after me...."I DO!"

Be a millionaire at age 65?   For SOME it’s easy.

So you want to be a millionaire.   To join the “double comma” club.  The seven-figure bank account. All by age 65.

Sounds great ‘eh? 

Now here is a secret.  You can buy membership into that club for a monthly fee.  

How does 300 bucks and some change a month sound?  Would that be a great deal to join the club?

Or would you rather pay $450 or so for membership?

Or $650?  ….all the way up to $6,000 a month to join that club?

Which would you choose?   $300?  Or $6,000 a month “dues”?

I suspect that we would all choose to join the club for $300 a month. 

But there is a catch to becoming a millioniare…

It’s about time.  It’s how long you put away that monthly money and let it do a lot of the work for you.  Depending on your age, it may be too late to join the...

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