I just messed up. It wasn’t life-threatening or even dangerous, but it was a goof that didn’t need to happen. And it would have been better if I had not done it.
So what did I do that was so bad?
Simple. I acted on an e-mail before I read the entire text of the e-mail. It was sent to a group of people, asking them for their independent thoughts on a logo.
Now, I have been through several logo designs and selection processes. I have seen great logos put aside and passed over for far worse ones. I have seen logos that look good when they are fresh and crisp, but would not look good when photocopied. Or faxed. Or scanned. These could be logos that rely on color as being a primary element of the logo, rather than a secondary element. Or design elements that are too small. Regardless, I have a good feel for what looks good as a logo, as well as what won’t look good in...
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